On 12th September, King’s Road Partnership convened the first in our rolling series of roundtables. This roundtable revolved around the planning and licensing regime, and the associated challenges and opportunities involved in supporting the transition from primarily retail-focused high streets and town centres, to ones that involve other uses such as culture and hospitality. Members from across Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea were in attendance, including Martin’s Properties, The Park Tower Casino, Crosstree and The Olayan Group. King’s Road Partnership Chairman, Hugh Seaborn, chaired the discussion.
We were also pleased to welcome and hear from guest speakers to inform our discussions: Amy Lamé, the Mayor’s Night Czar, Cllr Cem Kemahli, Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm at Kensington and Chelsea Council, and Deirdra Armsby, Director of Town Planning and Building Control at Westminster City Council. After a lively and fruitful discussion, the broad conclusion was that there was a need for community dialogue to plan that transition to ensure that places work for people.
Please scroll down to view photos from the event.